Monday, August 6, 2012

The Chauffeur

My mother-n-law had a layover near our home today. She called yesterday to see if we wanted to pick her up and have lunch while she was in town, for several hours. We were delighted to get to see her for a quick visit. It would be an hour drive to where she today, I became the chauffeur. It is one of my many hats that I wear. 

When I was 16 and just got my learners permit, the road seemed scary, and yet freeing. At 17, I got my actual license but I had a six months no passenger limit; the road was daring and challenging to me. When I was in college, I would drive to release from life and head out on the open road. It didn't matter where I was going as long as I was in the car with the radio blasting. My boyfriend at the time--who later became my husband--went to a school six hours away from me so, we switched off seeing each other every other weekend. I would hit the road for my weekend trip and be filled with so much anticipation and excitement. My CD choices were laid out on the passenger seat: Fleetwood Mac, Bob Marley, Jack Johnson, Rascal Flats for the beginning; Aerosmith, Bob Seger, a little Ludicrous, JayZ, 50cent to help get through the middle/end and wake me up. These were my favorite driving years, the road was always taking me some where new, fun, and well, just some where else. 

As I got older, after graduating from college, driving became part of the daily grind: to and from work, sitting in traffic, trips to the grocery store for the forgotten dinner items. Driving began to become a task and not a release. Now, as a Mom, it has become the dreaded obstacle for the day. The road is the hot, black surface that keeps me from a smooth sailing day. It seems just the thought of getting in the car and my kids sense their freedom being taken from them. Seat-belts and carseats are like handcuffs and jail cells! It’s like a scene from cops sometimes trying to get them in the car, ‘Assume the position, you have the right to remain SILENT, the right to a MOM and blah blah blah’ because...yes, the screaming has begun. We could be having a great morning laughing and playing but then oops...Mom needs to run to the store, or a doctor appointment, or even a play-date (something fun), at someone else's
house and our good day suddenly becomes a whine and scream fest. Thankfully, recovery time is quick as freedom is the cure.

So, imagine my delight when my mother-in-law calls and asks us to come pick her up near the airport and hang out... yeah, you are starting to picture my was a 53 minute drive to the hotel where she was. To my surprise, the girls hung in there until the last 15 minutes when Malia started in with, "Are we there yet?" And Zoey was getting fussy and wanted to nap. We arrived at 10 am, my mother-in-law says, "My flight is at 3, would you mind dropping me off at the airport at 1pm?" Mmm hmm...there is that look again, right? Yes! Sure we can take you to the airport. Really I don't mind!” I love my mother-in-law and love my kids getting to spend time with her, however, cars just aren't the best place to do that! The day wasn't bad! We went to Target and that helped smooth things over and fill a gap...till it was time to get back in the car and drive.
My, my, has times changed! My 16/17 year old self would have screamed at an opportunity to drive someone around and hang out for three hours. I probably would have had some great mix tape to go along with the day! (lol...tape, did ya catch that?) All the way up through my 20's I really wouldn't have minded. Taking someone around just meant that I got to enjoy the 'Carpool' lane!! YES!! Carpool lane, when your young, means speed on...right?

I always imagined it would be so nice being a Mom and getting that straight shot to the 'Carpool' lane! Like rounding the Monopoly board and collecting $200's when you passed go! Uhh, not as I thought. It is nice on a busy day and you see the traffic signs flash I-5 40 mins to wherever...Carpool lane 20 minutes! That's nice, but then you drive it and its a crap shoot; sometimes your being pushed from behind or stuck behind a creeper that doesn't acknowledge the 5 or more behind him rule! A rule I try my hardest to respect!

So here is my question for the day, Carpool lane: is it for those traveling with 2 or more passengers or (as my husband seems to think) a pass lane for those traveling with 2 or more and wish to fly past the traffic?

It still amazes me how many hats I wear and how my thoughts about life and driving have changed over the years! Scares me to think about my progression...hmm, am I going to be the 70 year old woman that is too frightened to get behind the wheel and "Free Falling" will be my theme song or will I be the 70 year old woman that has reverted to feeling the need for speed and adventure, while blasting "Life is a Highway"?

Time will tell! 

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